lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

Imaginarios tecnológicos en la smart city: actualización de la bibliografía de la tesis

Desde la primera versión de la bibliografía que compartí por aquí hace unos meses la lista de lecturas de la tesis ha aumentado bastante. También en las últimas semanas ha ido cogiendo forma el texto y, sobre todo, la estructura, que ahora es más sólida, creo. Aún me cuesta pelear con la técnica de redacción académica y procuro mantener limpio el agotador (¿inútil?) esfuerzo de las citas y referencia. En otro momento destacaré, den entre toda la lista, algunas lecturas que están influyendo mucho en el texto y supongo que, pronto también, volveré a compartir por aquí nuevas versiones de algunos de los capítulos. No sé si llegaré al final -y debería ser pronto- pero, de mientras, me estoy entreteniendo un rato :-)
I Write Because Nobody Listens" from Bratislava, Slovakia 
  • ALBINO, Vito, Umberto BERARDI y Rosa Maria DANGELICO (2015) "Smart Cities: Definitions, Dimensions, Performance, and Initiatives", en of Urban Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2014.942092
  • ANDERSON, Chris (2008) The end of theory: the data deluge makes the scientific method obsolete, en Wired Magazine. Acceso el 11/10/2014
  • AURIGI, Alessandro (2005) “Competing urban visions and the shaping of the digital city”, en Knowledge, Technology & Policy, Spring 2005, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 12-26
  • AURIGI, Alessandro (2005b) "Urban cyberspace as a social construction: non-technological factors in the shaping of Digital Bristol", en Digital Cities III. Information Technologies for Social Capital: Cross-cultural Perspectives Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3081, 2005, pp 97-112
  • AURIGI, Alessandro (2006). “New Technologies, Same Dilemmas: Policy and Design Issues for the Augmented City”, en Journal of Urban Technology, 13 (3), 5-28. London: Routledge.
  • AURIGI, Alessandro (2012) “Reflections towards an agenda for urban-designing the digital ciy”, en Urban Design international 1-14
  • BATTY, Michael (2013) The New Science of Cities. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  • BELL, Genevieve y Paul DOURISH (2006) “Yesterday´s tomorrows: notes on ubiquitous computing´s dominant vision”, en Personal Ubiquitous Computing 2006
  • BIJKER,  W.E. (1992) “The Social Construction of Flourescent Lighting, or How an Artifact Was Invented in Its Diffusion Stage”, in Bijker W.E. and Law J. (Eds.) Shaping Technology/Building Society: Studies in Sociotechnical Change, Boston: MIT Press
  • BOLLIER, D. (2010) The Promise and Peril of Big Data. The Aspen Institute. (último acceso el 3 de febrero de 2015).
  • BOURDIEU, Pierre (1989) "Social space and symbolic power", en Sociological theory, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 14-25
  • BOYD, Danah y CRAWFORD (2012) "Critical questions for big data: Provocations for a cultural, technological,  and scholarly phenomenon", en Information, Communication & Society, 15(5), 662–679.
  • CAVADA, Marianna, Christopher ROGERS Y Dexter HUNT (2014) "Smart Cities: Contradicting Definitions and Unclear Measures", en World Sustainability Forum 2014 – Conference Proceedings Paper
  • CARVALHO, Luis (2015) “Smart cities from scratch? a socio-technical perspective”, en Cambridge J Regions Econ Soc (2015) 8 (1): 43-60
  • CASTELLS, Manuel (2004) "Space of Flows, Space of Places: Materials for a Theory of Urbanism in the Information Age", en GRAHAM, Stephen (ed) (2004). The Cybercities Reader. London: Routledge
  • CRANG, Mike y Stephen GRAHAM. (2007) “Sentient Cities: Ambient Intelligence  and the Politics of Urban Space”, en Information, Communication &  Society, vol. 10, no. 6 
  • CRAWFORD, Kate (2013) “The hidden biases in big data”, en Harvard Business Review Blog, 1 April Acceso el 11/10/2014
  • CRAWFORD, Kate (2014) The anxieties of big data, en The New Inquiry Accedido el 10/10/2014
  • CRAWFORD, Kate, Kate MILTNER y Mary L. GRAY (2014) "Critiquing Big Data: Politics, Ethics, Epistemology", en International Journal of Communication 8 (2014), 1663–1672
  • CUGURULLO, Federico (2013) “How to Build a Sandcastle: An Analysis of the Genesis and Development of Masdar City”, en Journal of Urban Technology, Volume 20, Issue 1
  • DEAKIN, Mark (2014) “Smart cities: the state-of-the-art and governance challenge”, en Triple Helix November 2014, 1:7
  • DEAKIN, Mark y Husman Al WAER (2012) From intelligent to smart cities, Routledge, Londres
  • DE LANGE, Michiel, y Martijn DE WAAL (2012) Ownership in the Hybrid City, Virtueel Platform, Amsterdam
  • DE LANGE, Michiel, y Martijn DE WAAL (2013) “Owning the city: New media and citizen engagement in urban design”, en First Monday, 18(11).
  • DE WAAL, Martijn (2011a) “The ideas and ideals in urban media theory”, en FOTH, Marcus, Laura FORLANO, Christine SATCHELL y Martin GIBBS (eds.) (2011). From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen: Urban Informatics, Social Media, Ubiquitous Computing, and Mobile Technology to Support Citizen Engagement, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • DE WAAL, Martijn (2011b) “The urban culture of sentient cities: from an internet of things to a public sphere of things”, en Sentient City. Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture, and the Future of Urban Space, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • DE WAAL, Martijn (2013) The city as interface. How new media are changing the city, Nai 010, Rotterdam
  • DOURISH, Paul y Genevieve BELL (2011) Divining a digital future. Mess and mythology in ubiquitous computing, MIT Press, Cabridge
  • ELLUL, Jacques (1962) “The technological order”, en  Technology and Culture Vol. 3, No. 4, Proceedings of the Encyclopaedia Britannica Conference on the Technological Order (Autumn, 1962), pp. 394-421
  • ELLUL, Jacques (1967) The technological society, Vintage Books, Nueva York
  • ELLUL, Jacques (2008) “76 Reasonable Questions to ask about any technology”, en 
  • FERNÁNDEZ, Manu (2012a) “Tecnologías emergentes en el funcionamiento urbano. Promesas y límites para la sostenibilidad urbana”, en MONTANER, J.M. y SUBIRATS, J. (coords), Repensar las políticas urbanas: Apuntes para la agenda urbana, Diputació de Barcelona
  • FERNÁNDEZ, Manu (2012b) “El valor cívico de las aplicaciones móviles. Urbapps, juntando coders y citizens”, en Equiciudad, La equidad como garante de la ciudad sostenible, Recolectores Urbanos, Sevilla
  • FERNÁNDEZ, Manu (2013) “Smart cities of the future?”, en HEMMENT, Drew y Anthony TOWNSEND (2013), Smart citizens, Future Everything, Manchester
  • FERNANDEZ, Manu (2014) Intelligence at the service of people, en Barcelona Metropolis Vol. 91 Último acceso el 22 de febrero de 2015
  • FLICHY, Patrice (1999), “The construction of new digital media”, en New Media & society 1 (11):33-39
  • FORD, George (1913) “The City Scientific”, en Engineering Record 67: 551–552.
  • FOTH, Marcus, Laura FORLANO, Christine SATCHELL y Martin GIBBS (eds.) (2011) From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen: Urban Informatics, Social Media, Ubiquitous Computing, and Mobile Technology to Support Citizen Engagement, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • FUTURE CITIES CATAPULT (2014) What are future cities? Origins, meanings and uses
  • GALDÓN, Gemma (2013) “(Not so) smart cities?: The drivers, impact and risks of surveillance-enabled smart environments”, en Science and Public Policy (2013) 40 (6): 717-723
  • GALLOWAY, Anne (2008), A Brief History of the Future of Urban Computing and Locative Media, disertación de tesis doctoral, Carleton University Ottawa
  • GOVERNMENT OFFICE FOR SCIENCE (2014) Future of cities: a visual history of the future, Gobierno Británico, Londres
  • GRAHAM, Stephen y Simon MARVIN (1999) “Planning Cybercities: Integrating telecommunications into urban planning”, en Town Planning Review 70, 89-114.
  • GRAHAM, Stephen y Simon MARVIN (2001) Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilites and the Urban Condition, Routledge, Londres
  • GOODSPEED, Robert (2015) “Smart cities: moving beyond urban cybernetics to tackle wicked problems”, en Cambridge J Regions Econ Soc (2015) 8 (1): 79-92 
  • GREENFIELD, Adam (2006) Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing, New Riders Publishing, Berkeley
  • GREENFIELD, Adam y Mark SHEPARD (2007) Urban computing and its discontents, situated Technologies Pamphets 1, The Architectural League of New York, New York
  • GREENFIELD, Adam (2013) Against the smart city, Do Projects, Nueva York
  • GURSTEIN, Michael (2011) “Open data: empowering the empowered or effective data use for everyone”, en First Monday, 16(2), php/fm/article/view/3316/2764 (Último acceso el 3 de febrero de 2015).
  • GURSTEIN, Michael (2014) "Smart Cities vs. Smart Communities: Empowering Citizens not Market Economics", en The Journal of Community Informatics, Vol. 10, n 3
  • HALPERN, Orit, Jesse LECAVALIER, Nerea CALVILLO y Wolfgang PIETSCH. 2013. “Test-Bed Urbanism.”, en Public Culture 25 (2 70): 272–306
  • HAQUE, Usman (2012) “What is a city that it would be smart?”, en City in a box Volume 34
  • HEMMENT, Drew y Anthony TOWNSEND (2013), Smart citizens, Future Everything, Manchester
  • HILL, Dan (2012)”The city that smart citizens built”, en City in a box Volume 34
  • HILL Dan (2013)”Smart citizens make smart cities”, en HEMMENT, Drew y Anthony TOWNSEND (2013), Smart citizens, Future Everything, Manchester
  • HILL, Dan. (2013a) On the smart city: or, a ‘manifesto’ for smart citizens instead. City of Sound, 1 February 2013: [Acceso el 30/10/2014]
  • HOLLANDS, Robert (2008) Will the real smart city please stand up? City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action 12(3): 303–320.
  • HOLLANDS, Robert (2015) “Critical interventions into the corporate smart city”, en Cambridge J Regions Econ Soc (2015) 8 (1): 61-77 
  • IVESON, Kurt (2011) “Mobile media and the strategies of urban citizenship: discipline, responsibilisation, politicisation", en FOTH, Marcus, Laura FORLANO, Christine SATCHELL y Martin GIBBS (eds.) (2011). From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen: Urban Informatics, Social Media, Ubiquitous Computing, and Mobile Technology to Support Citizen Engagement, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • JURGENSON, Nathan (2014) View from nowhere. On the cultural ideology of big data, en The New Inquiry Accedido el 10/10/2014
  • KAHN, Omar (2011) “Interaction anxieties”, en Sentient City. Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture, and the Future of Urban Space, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • KITCHIN, Rob y Martin DODGE (2011) Code/Space. Software and Everyday Life, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • KITCHIN, Rob (2014a) “The Real-time City? Big Data and Smart Urbanism.” Geo Journal 79: 1–14.
  • KITCHIN, Rob (2014b) The data revolution. Big data, open data, data infrastructures & their consequences, Sage, Londres.
  • KITCHIN, Rob, Tracey P. LAURIALT y Gavin McARDLE (2015) "Knowing and governing cities through urban indicators, city benchmarking and real-time dashboards", en Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2:1, 6-28
  • KITCHIN, Rob (2015) “Making sense of smart cities: addressing present shortcomings”, en Cambridge J Regions Econ Soc (2015) 8 (1): 131-136
  • KLAUSER F, T. PAASCHE y O. SÖDERSTRÖM  (2014) "Michel Foucault and the smart city: power dynamics inherent in contemporary governing through code", en Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32(5) 869 – 885
  • KRESIN, Frank (2013a) “A manifesto for smart citizens”, en HEMMENT, Drew y Anthony TOWNSEND (2013), Smart citizens, Future Everything, Manchester
  • KRESIN, Frank (2013b) “Design rules for smarter cities”, en HEMMENT, Drew y Anthony TOWNSEND (2013), Smart citizens, Future Everything, Manchester
  • LATOUR, Bruno (2002) “Morality and Technology. The End of the Means”, en Theory, Culture & Society 2002 Vol. 19 (5/6): 247–260 
  • LATOUR, Bruno (2004) “Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam ? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern”, en Critical Inquiry -  Vol 30 n° 2 pp.25-248, Winter 2004
  • LERMAN, Jonas (2013) "Big data and its exclusions", en Stanford Law Review onlines 55. Acceso el 11/10/2014
  • MATTERN, Shannon (2013), “Methodolatry and the art of measure”, en Design Observer: Places . Acceso el 11/10/2014
  • MATTERN, Shannon (2014) “Interfacing Urban Intelligence”, en Design Observer: Places. Acceso el 21/02/2015
  • MAYER-SCHöNBERGER, Viktor y Kenneth CUKIER (2013) Big data. La revolución de los datos masivos, Turner, Madrid
  • McCULLOUGH, Malcolm (2014) Ambient commons. Attention in the age of embodied information, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • MITCHELL, William (1996) City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • MITCHELL, William (2003) ME++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • MITCHELL, William J. y Federico CASALEGNO (2008) Connected sustainable cities, MIT Mobile Experience Lab Publishing, Cambridge
  • MOROZOV, Evgeny (2013) To save  everything, click here. Technology, solutionism and the urge to fix problems that don´t exist, Penguin Books, Londres
  • MOROZOV, Evgeny (2014) “The rise of data and the death of politics”, en Guardian 20 de julio de 2014. Accedido e 26 de diciembre de 2014
  • MOSCO, Vincent (2004) The digital sublime. Myth, power and cybersapce, MIT Press, Cabridge
  • MUMFORD, Lewis (1998) Técnica y civilización, Alianza, Madrid
  • NEIROTTI, Paolo, A. DE MARCO, A. CAGLIANO, G. MANGANO y F. SCORRANO  (2014) “Current trends in Smart City initiatives: Some stylised facts”, en Cities Volume 38, June 2014, Pages 25–36
  • PAULOS, Eric (2009) Manifesto of open disruption and participation, en E. PAULOS, ed,
  • POP, Susa (2013) “Connecting cities and its citizens through artistic urban media scenarios”, en HEMMENT, Drew y Anthony TOWNSEND (2013), Smart citizens, Future Everything, Manchester
  • POSTMAN, Neil (1993) Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, Vintage Books, Nueva York
  • PROVOOST, Michelle (2012) “Why build new towns”, en City in a box Volume 34
  • RABARI, Chirag y Michael STORPER (2015) "The digital skin of cities: urban theory and research in the age of the sensored and metered city, ubiquitous computing and big data", en Cambridge J Regions Econ Soc (2015) 8 (1): 27-42.
  • RAE, Alasdair y Alex SINGLETON (2015) "Putting big data in its place: a regional studies and regional science perspective", en Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2:1, 1-5
  • REISZ, Todd (2012) “Pipe dreams and real dreams”, en City in a box Volume 34
  • RENDUELES, Cesar (2013) Sociofobia. El cambio político en la era de la utopía digital. Capitán Swing, Madrid
  • ROBINSON, Rich (2014) "11 reasons computers can’t understand or solve our problems without human judgement" en The Urban Technologist Último acceso el 20 de febrero de 2014
  • ROCHE, Stephane, Nashid NABIAN, Kristian KLOECKL y Carlo RATTI (2012) "Are ´smart cities´smart enough?, en Spatially enabling government, industry and citizens, Global Geospatial Conference
  • SACASAS, Michael (2014) “Do Artifacts Have Ethics?”, en The Frailest Thing Último acceso el 15 de febrero de 2014
  • SANGÜESA, Ramón (2012) La tecnocultura y su democratización: ruido, límites y oportunidades de los “labs”, Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya, número 38
  • SASSEN, Saskia (2012). “Urbanising Technology”, en  Urban Age Electric Conference (pp. 12-15). London: Urban Age.
  • SCHAFFERS, H., N.  , M. PALLOT, B. TROUSSE, M. NILSSON, Y A. OLIVEIRA. 2011. “Smart Cities and the Future Internet: Towards Cooperation Frameworks for Open Innovation.”, enThe Future Internet, 431–446. Berlin: Springer.
  • SENNET, Richard (2012) “The Stupefying Smart City”, en Urban Age Electric City Conference (pp. 16-18). London: Urban Age.
  • SHELTON, Taylor, Matthew ZOOK y Alan WIIG (2015) “The ‘actually existing smart city’”, en Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (1): 13-25
  • SHEPARD, Mark (2011) Sentient City. Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture, and the Future of Urban Space, MIT Press, Cambridge
  • SHEPARD, Mark y Antonina SIMETI (2013) “What´s so smart about the smart citizen”, en HEMMENT, Drew y Anthony TOWNSEND (2013), Smart citizens, Future Everything, Manchester
  • SIUPSINSKAS, Matas y Brendan CORMIER (2012 “Corporate urban visions”, en City in a box Volume 34
  • SIUPSINSKAS, Matas (2012) “New town networks”, en City in a box Volume 34
  • SIUPSINSKAS, Matas y Brendan CORMIER (2012) “Outsourcing smart”, en City in a box Volume 34
  • SHWAYRI Sofia T. (2013) “A Model Korean Ubiquitous Eco-City? The Politics of Making Songdo”, en Journal of Urban Technology, Volume 20, Issue 1
  • SÖDERSTRÖM, Ola, Till PAASCHE & Francisco KLAUSER (2014) “Smart cities as corporate storytelling”, en City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 18:3, 307-320
  • STAFFANS, Aija y Liisa HORELLI (2014) "Expanded Urban Planning as a Vehicle for Understanding and Shaping Smart, Liveable Cities", en The Journal of Community Informatics, Vol. 10, n 3
  • THACKARA, John (2013) Trust is not an algorithm, en Design Observer. Acceso el 11/10/2014
  • TOWNSEND, Anthony (2010) A Planet of Civic Laboratories: The Future of Cities, Information and Inclusion. Institute for the Future-Rockefeller Foundation.
  • TOWNSEND, Anthony (2013) Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia. New York: W. W. Norton & Company
  • TOWNSEND, Anthony (2013b) Smart Cities. What if the smart cities of the future are chock full of bugs?, en Design Observer: Places . Acceso el211/02/2015
  • UNSWORTH, Kristene, aandrea FORTE y Richardson DILWORTH (2014) “Urban Informatics: The Role of Citizen Participation in Policy Making”, en Journal of Urban Technology, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1–5.
  • URBANIXD (2014a). Urban interaction design. Towards city making. Amsterdam: UrbanIxD,
  • URBANIXD (2014b). Interactions in hybrid urban space: the UrbanIxD exhibition. Catalogue. Zelina (Croacia): UrbanIxD
  • VANSTIPHOUT, Walter (2012) “Nothing more political”, en City in a box Volume 34
  • VANOLO, Alberto (2014) “Smartmentality: The Smart City as Disciplinary Strategy”, en Urban Studies 51(5) 2013:1-16)
  • WEISER, Mark (1991) “The computer for the 21st century”, en Scientific American, September 1991
  • WINNER, Langdon (1985), “Do Artifacts Have Politics?,” en D. MACKENZIE y J. WAJCMAN (ed.), The Social Shaping of Technology, Open University Press, Bristol. 
  • WINNER, Langdon (1987) La ballena y el reactor. Una búsqueda de los límites en la era de la alta tecnología, GEDISA, Madrid
  • WOLFRAM, Marc (2012) "Deconstructing Smart Cities: An Intertextual Reading of Concepts and Practices for Integrated Urban and ICT Development,  en M. SCHRENK, V. V. POPOVICH, P. ZEILE Y P. ELISEI (eds.), Re-Mixing the City: Towards sustainability and resilience?" REAL CORP. pp. 171–181.

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