domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

En Dublin en el workshop “Going Smart and Accessible in Public Services and Cities”

La Digital Agenda Assembly 2013 se celebra este año en Dublin organizada por la presidencia de turno irlandesa de la Comisión Europea. La sesión plenaria se celebra el 20 de junio y el día anterior tendrán lugar una serie de seminarios sobre diferentes temáticas relacionadas con la sociedad digital en las diferentes vertientes que cubre la Comisión, desde las competencias digitales para el empleo y en la educación hasta la promoción de diferentes vectores tecnológicos relacionados.

En este marco se celebra el seminario Going smart and sccessible in public services and cities en el que Elena Pedone, de la DG Connect, ha tenido la amabilidad de invitarme a participar. Así que estaré por Dublín la próxima semana del 18 al 20. Esta sesión se presenta así:

'Digital' making sense for citizens: do smart public services live up to their promise? How do we make public websites accessible to all? Do we want to live in a smart city?

Digital Public Services and Smart Cities save time and money but also make the Digital Single Market a reality with new business opportunities.

ICT technologies allow for greater involvement of individuals in the design, production and delivery of services, thus empowering citizens, making smarter and greener decisions in daily life, making governments and city administrations more transparent, responsive, accountable and trustworthy, involving businesses and citizens in a continuous dialogue.

The workshop will explore what still needs to be done across borders to ensure that every citizen or consumer and company in the EU,  including people with disabilities, can benefit from digital public services. It will discuss innovation in the form of 'smart city solutions', as a platform for cross-sector solutions (bridging ICT, energy distribution, transport & mobility and construction) as well as illustrate the huge potential of Big Data in urban contexts through open-data repositories and ICT (mobile) applications.

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